KIDDUSH Rejoicing in Shabbat and the Holidays


ספר הקידוש – קטן – עברית/ אנגלית – מוזהב
Rejoicing in Shabbat and the Holidays Kiddush is a unique handbook for Jewish home religious observance


Rejoicing in Shabbat and the Holidays Kiddush is a unique handbook for Jewish home religious observance, containing blessings, table ceremonies and Songs used in the Jewish Home throughout the year, arranged in logical order and with explanations. It contains all of the different versions of Kiddush recited on each festival of the year, with a separate page for the Kiddush for each holiday, as well as all of the prayers, blessings, and zemirot used on Shabbat in the home, and home ceremonies for the various holidays and life-cycle events. Beautifully illustrated by the renowned Israeli artist, Raphael Abecassis.

המלאי אזל


גודל: 12X 17 ס”מ
שפה: אנגלית
כריכה: כריכה קשה – למינציה – מוטבעת זהב
פנים הספר: 255 עמודי צבע
תוכן הספר:
Blessing from the Chif Rabbi of Israel
Rabbinici Approbation
Friday Night
Shabbat Candles
Blessing the Children
Shalom Aleikhem- Peace Unto You
Ribbon Kol ha- Olamim- Master of all Worlds
Ashet Hayyil- AWoman Of Valor
Azamer Bishevahin- A Mystical Hymn
Mizmor Ledavid- A Psalm of David
Kiddush for Shabbat Evening
Zmirot for Shabbat Evening
Kol Mekadesh Shvi`i- Whoover Sanctifies the Seventh Day
Menuha Vesimha- Contentment and Joy
Mah Yedidut- How Beloved
Yom Zeh le- Yisrael- This Day is for Israel
Yah Ribbon- God Master of all Worlds
Tzam`ah Nafshi- My Soul Thirsts
Tzur Mishelo- The Rock of whose Bounty
Shbbat Morning
Asader Liseudata- A Mystical Hymn
Hai Hashem u- Barukh Tzuri- The Lord Lives Blessed is my Rock
Mizmor le- David- A Psalm of David
Kiddush For Shabbat Morning
Zmirot For Shabbat Midday Meal
Baruckh Hashem Yom Yom- Blessed be the Lord Every Day
Barukh El Elyon- Blessed is Almighty God
Yom Zeh Mekhubad- This Day is Honored
Yom Shabbaton Ein Lishkowan- The Day of Shabbat Cannot be Forgotten
Dror Yikra- He will Cry Freedom
Shimru Shabtotai- Observe my Sabbaths
Yodukha Rayonai- My Thoughts Shall Praise You
Yom Shabbat ein Kamohu- There is no Day like the Shabbat
Shabbat ha- Yom La` Adonai- Today is Shabbat for the Lord
Ki Eshmerah Shabbat- When I Keep Shabbat
Se`udah Shlishit- The Third Shabbat Meal
B`nei Heikhala-A Mystical Hymn
Mizmor le- David- A Psalm of David
Kiddush for the Third Meal
Yedid Nefesh
El Mistater- The God Who is Hidden
At Conclusion of the Shabbat
Gott fun Avrohom- God of Abraham
Zemirot for Motza`ei Shabbat
Ha- Mavdil- He who Separates
Melave Malka
Eliyahu HaNavi- Elijah the Prophet
Amar HaShem le- Ya`akov- God Said to Jacob
Eruv Tavshilin
Candle Lighting For Festival Days
Kiddush for Rosh Hashanah Night
Kiddush For Rosh Hashanah on Shabbat
Kiddush For Rosh Hashanah Night at the Conclusion of Shabbat
Order of Rosh Hashanah Night
Kiddush for Rosh Hashanah Morning
Kiddush for Rosh Hashanah Morning that falls on the Shabbat
Blessing of Children on Yom Kippur Eve
Candle Lighting for Yom Kippur
Preyer Upon Entering the Sukkah
Ushpizin- Welcoming the Heavenly Guests
Kiddush for Sukkot Night
Kiddush for Sukkot Night that Falls on Shabbat
Kiddush For Sukkot Night that falls at The Conclusion of Shabbat
Kiddush for Sukkot Morning
Kiddush for Sukkot Morning that falls on the Shabbat
Kiddush for Friday Night of Hol Ha- Moed Sukkot
Kiddush for the Morning of Shabbat Hol Ha- Moed Sukkot
Upon Leaving the Sukka
Kiddush for the Nigths of Shemini Atzeret and Simhat Torah
Kiddush for Shemini Atzeret Night that falls on Shabbat
Kiddush For Simhat Torah that falls at the Conclusion of Shabbat
Kiddush for the Morning of Shemini Atzeret and Simhat Torah
Kiddush for Shemini Atzeret Morning that falls on Shabbat
Lighting the Hanukkah Candles
Maoz Tzur Yeshuati- Mighty Rock of my Salvation
Mizmor Shir Hanukkat ha- Bayit le- David
Seder for Tu- bi- Shevat
Blesssings of the Megillah
The Purim Feast
Shoshanat Yaakov
Kiddush for Passover Night
Kiddush for Pesah that Falls on Friday Night
Kiddush for Pesah that Falls at the Conclusion of Shabbat
Kiddush for Pesah Morning
Kiddush for Pesah Morning that falls on the Shabbat
Kiddush for Friday Night of Hol Ha- Moed Pesah
Kiddush for the Morning of Shabbat Hol Ha- Moed Pesah
Pizmon Bar Yohai- Bar Yohai Happy are You!
Amar Rabbi Akiva
Selection from Sefer ha- Zohar
Kiddush for Shavuot Night
Torah Study on Shavuot Night
Kiddush for Shavuot Night that falls at the Conclusion of Shabbat
Kiddush for the Second Day of Shavuot that falls on Friday Night
Kiddush for Shavuot Morning
Kiddush for Morning of the Second Day of Shavuot that falls on Shabbat
Havdalah for the End of Festivals
Havdalah for the of Yom Kippur
Havdalah when Tisha B`Av falls on Saturday Night
Birkat ha- Mazon according to Ashkenazic Custom
Shir ha- Maalot- A Song of Ascents
Zimmun- Invitiation To Grace
Invitation to Grace After a Wedding Feast
Invitation to Grace at a Circumcision Feast
Birkat ha- Mazon
Insertions to Birkat ha- Mazon after a Circumcision
Birkat ha- Mazon According to Sephardic Custom
Sheva Berakhot- The Seven Nuptial Blessings
Final Blessings
Short Final Blessing
According to Ashkenazic Tradition
According to Sephardic Tradition
Pidyon ha- Ben- Redeeming the First Born
Zeved ha- Bat- On The Birth of a Girl
Birkat ha- Gomel- Blessing of Thanksgiving
Blessing over Mezuzah and Dedication of a New Home
Shema Before Shema Before Retiring at Night

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